Loadout Wiki

Currently Loadout host four released multi-player Maps: Fissure, The Brewery, Trailer Park, and Four Points. Each of these maps are symmetrical in design, and host to all of the game modes.

In addition to there are three Alpha levels, currently being tested: Shattered, Drill Cavern, and Shipyard. More information will be posted on the Alpha levels when they are released.


Main article: Fissure
Map Fissure Btn

Venus Industries cordially invites you to join us in Fis­sure, one of the pre­mière min­ing sites in the business. Named for its nat­u­rally occur­ring rifts and canyons, Fissure’s land­scape makes min­ing a breeze. Our oper­a­tion uti­lizes state of the art Drilldo 9000 min­ing plat­forms that fea­ture an indus­try lead­ing fail­ure rate of a neg­li­gi­ble 66%.

Our work­ers enjoy com­pet­i­tive ben­e­fits, includ­ing:

  • Rated one of the safest work sites cur­rently in pro­duc­tion, with a record low 4 deaths and 1.5 dis­mem­ber­ments per hour dur­ing the month of December.
  • Loads of ameni­ties, includ­ing com­pany sub­si­dized cook­ing sta­tions and com­pli­men­tary crematorium
  • Com­pany pro­vided uni­forms (Must be returned upon ter­mi­na­tion and/or fatal­ity. Dry clean­ing of vital flu­ids sub­ject to addi­tional costs, even posthu­mously)

Four Points[]

Main article: Four Points
Map FourPoints Btn

Headed out to find fame and for­tune? Make sure to stop at Four Points — gate­way to the new fron­tier. Four Points is the pre­miere sup­ply depot for min­ing , and was rated #1 in cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion by Manly Men’s Min­ing Monthly. Our sta­tion fea­tures an open lay­out with a spa­cious land­ing pad that pro­vides easy access to our ware­house. Plat­inum Mem­ber­ships are avail­able for our fre­quent cus­tomers — bonus dis­counts avail­able for weapons, funeral ser­vices, and adult entertainment.

The Brewery[]

Main article: The Brewery
Map Brewery Full

You’ve had our flag­ship prod­uct, now come see how it’s made at the Hard Boyz Brew­ery — mak­ers of the wildly pop­u­lar Hard Beer. Our brew­ery is located within a cav­ern formed by a com­bi­na­tion of ero­sion and envi­ron­men­tally friendly frakking tech­niques. Our nat­ural, lightly irra­di­ated spring water is our spe­cial ingre­di­ent that gives our brews that sig­na­ture Hard Boyz fla­vor. The Hard Boyz Brew­ery runs brew­ery tours 5 days a week. Vol­un­teer for one of our com­pli­men­tary tast­ings to get a sneak pre­view on some of our exper­i­men­tal brews*.

  • May cause blind­ness, steril­ity, hal­lu­ci­na­tions, loose stools, and men­tal retar­da­tion. Drink Responsibly.

Trailer Park[]

Main article: Trailer Park
Map TrailerParkNight Btn

Need a home away from the home­world after a hard day at the mines? Stake your claim at the Stack­house Trailer Park. Called a “struc­tural mir­a­cle” by the Bureau of Safety Stan­dards, the Trailer Park is the pre­miere spot for all your res­i­den­tial needs. Our units offer world-class accom­mo­da­tions, and can be safely stacked by our licensed engi­neers for one, two, or three-story floor plans. Our sophis­ti­cated san­i­ta­tion sys­tem dis­poses of your waste water so you don’t have to. On a related note, scenic views of our col­or­ful Rain­bow River are avail­able for a mar­ginal fee.


Drill Cavern[]
