Loadout Wiki
Map TrailerParkNight Btn
Map TrailerPark Btn
Need a home away from the home­world after a hard day at the mines? Stake your claim at the Stack­house Trailer Park. Called a “struc­tural mir­a­cle” by the Bureau of Safety Stan­dards, the Trailer Park is the pre­miere spot for all your res­i­den­tial needs. Our units offer world-class accom­mo­da­tions, and can be safely stacked by our licensed engi­neers for one, two, or three-story floor plans. Our sophis­ti­cated san­i­ta­tion sys­tem dis­poses of your waste water so you don’t have to. On a related note, scenic views of our col­or­ful Rain­bow River are avail­able for a mar­ginal fee.

Map Overview[]



  • Trailer Park has a day and night variant. The only other map in the game that features this is Fissure.